Weekly Links: Currently Clicking #6


Here are all of the places I have been clicking around the internet this week. 

  1. Eating Whole: 7 Day Meal Plan. This all looks delicious, doable, and good for you. 
  2. Now not as healthy, but still delicious...Baked Spring Donuts.  I will always have a thing for sprinkled donuts. Let's not even talk about how many my husband might have brought me home when I was pregnant. The bakery lady knew him by name. Oops. 
  3. I've recently been reading her book and it makes me want to have people over for dinner all of the time. Here is a post of hers about Vulnerability and Cats. 
  4. I don't know if I could do this. My phone is also my alarm clock but it would probably be very good for me to not spend so much time on Pinterest right before I fall asleep. 
  5. I know this is all over the internet, but I love it. The World's Toughest Job....

Happy Friday!

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