It's the Weekend | Number Thirteen

I didn't do a weekend post last week...Oops. But, here we are again, and it's Saturday and another weekend is already here. I feel like I blink and it's another week lately. I probably say that in every one of these posts, but seriously. Where is time going? Marin was up nice and early today so she joined me for my quiet time. That's always fun. 

I've been in full prep for maternity leave mode. I've been organizing cabinets. I've been creating lists. I've been getting the nursery slowly finished and am thinking about what needs to go in my hospital bag this time around. I am due in a few weeks and I'm trying to prepare myself emotionally and mentally for leaving work for a really long time. It's messing with my head lately. It will all be fine, I am sure, but 12 weeks is a long time. It will be fall by the time I fully return. I'll be working part time from home for a good chunk of it, but still. It's weird being away from anything for that long. 

Ryan and I are celebrating 8 years of marriage in 10 days as well. We are trying to figure out even a night have a date night. Life is super crazy. I've been daydreaming about taking a big trip once we hit ten years. I want to be on a beach for at least a week. No kiddos. Lots of margaritas and some good beach-y reads. That's all I want. We have 2 years to plan and save but of course I'm already thinking about it. It gives us something to look forward to. 

Anyways, here's some link love for the week....

A Summer Reading List.  Sometimes I need to not read parenting books and dive into a delicious novel. 

I've always dreamt of owning a breakfast place. Breakfast is where it's at. 

I'm always working on our budget. Here are some budgeting methods to swear by.

Last time I had a baby, it was in the dead of winter. Now, it will be summertime. Here are 6 heath benefits for getting babies out in nature. 

I love snacks. These energy balls aren't bad for you and sound delicious. Even Marin would eat these. 

Our cat has single handedly destroyed our sectional in our family room. He's lucky he's a part of the family. I'm dreaming of a new sectional that's kid and cat friendly. Someday, maybe. 

Have a great weekend! 

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