
"Twenty years from now, you will be more
disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones that you
did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
~~Mark Twain

But We Are Still Young......

I’m moving slowly today. My only desire is to go back and crawl under my covers and neglect the piles of dishes in the sink and the pile of laundry in the basement.

I find contentment in the mug of french press sitting next me and the warm weather sits upon my skin like a blanket. I need to do something today. To be productive. My infamous to do list is staring me down as I type this and each box is left unchecked and unnoticed. Those boxes taunt me with the knowledge of the satisfaction I find as I mark each one off. I find it is easier to get things done when I find even the slightest satisfaction in marking off a box, even if it only for finishing a load of laundry or clearing off the countertops in my kitchen.

I need a vacation. We need to get way. I want to feel the air upon my face as the mile markers pass us by. To not know fully of our destination but live in the journey of the unknown. I long for the disgusting road stops along the way, the feeling of the salty ocean mist upon my eye lashes, the last sip of the espresso from the city in which I came from, the place in which my soul died away for that period of time.

Routine is the word that sits sickly upon my tongue and heart this morning. My list is filled with all of the grown up things that grown ups do. So many times I feel as if I’m not getting anywhere, just simple passing through one day onto the next. Our weeks fly by us quicker than we are able to take our next breath.

The house behind us is full of children whining and screaming this morning. Their cries at each other make me thankful that we haven’t started that process yet, the process of beginning a family. At times I feel like I’m ready. The maternal bug rears its life changing head as I am dreaming of touring and getting away. Once children come, those dreams will fall away, maybe never to be seen again. I fear that those last statements drip of selfishness, but still we are young.

But we are still young.

Within that statement I will find hope today. Within a month or so, we will be on the road, even if it is for a week. I pray that I can make it til then, before the get up, grab some coffee, go to work, come home from work, have band practice, pick up the house, read a book, go to sleep routine overtakes all of us.

I’m longing for a good adventure. It couldn’t come soon enough.

Color Cravings

It's currently 11:30am. I'm dreaming of actually walking down stairs and having some french press coffee out on our back porch. Dirty Dancing is playing in the background. And I'm perusing Home Decor blogs. Daily I pour over these images gaining ideas and new color cravings for our cream colored walls.

Some of today's inspiration.......

All Images found at: apartmenttherapy.com

Breaking the Silence

It has been nearly three months since I have written here. I believe I have enough legitimate excuses to suffice for my absence in the passing days.

Case and point.

We bought a house. A real house. It boggles my mind. I feel so grown up.

Today, on this glorious Saturday, my band and I are releasing our new record, Bend or Break.

You can buy it here ! Or read a review about it here....

We have a band practice at our new abode nearly every night during the week due to all of the bands I participate in.

We have a cat. Never thought I would say that. He’s a pain, but we love him. I’ve come to the realization though that even though the kitten stage is adorable and all, I’m ready for the old, fat cat stage where they just chill and don’t crawl all over us and claw at everything in their path. (I’m a dog person. That is what I know. This is welcomed, new challenge that has sent my nose running and my eyes itching.)

Since this is turning into a “Summary of Our Lives Right Now,” I'll continue.......

I need to travel. I never have. I feel it burning in my bones. Even a simple road trip. Even a day trip for crying out loud. Or Europe. Which ever one comes first.

I’m currently obsessed with interior design blogs and all of the cheap, crafty like a fox ways I’m going to transform our house into something awesome. It’s slowly getting there.

I still have two rooms to unpack. Still.

My camera is broken. We’re hoping it’s an easy fix, but as of now, I’m scheming through all of the ways to get my hands on a Cannon 5d mkII, aside from stealing one of course. :)

We are a part of THIS and that make me very happy.

I’m trying to take much better care of myself...one day at a time. Jillian Michaels and I have become imaginary pals and enemies all at the same time. She kicks my butt.

I’m going to stop there. Hopefully in the coming days I will actually write more. I’ve been inspired a lot lately and I will hopefully post about that, maybe even some recipes or DIYs.

Today is a glorious day.