Christmas Decor 2013

I finally bought our very own white Christmas tree this year. Every year before has showcased a hand-me-down tree. This one is ours. I bought it in October. The guy at Walmart thought I was crazy. I love it. I'll take crazy. 

Hardly anyone has graced out doorstep this holiday season so I figured I'd post some of our decoration for the Christmas season. I probably decorate all of this far more for myself than anything else. I like it. I spend most of my days making sure Geoff the Cat doesn't destroy anything. So far, so good. The tree has remained in mostly one piece. 

This season has been busy. We have spent quite a bit of time at home as a couple, which I am totally fine with. Being exhausted and pregnant also helps with the hermit mentality. Our lives are going to be much louder and crazier in just a few weeks (holy cow!!!!) 

Geoff, plotting his destruction.

I love this wrapping paper from Target.

I will be sad to take all of this down. 

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