Adventures with Marin | The Denver Zoo

I decided it was high time to end my radio silence. I took a break from blogging without really trying to. It just sort of happened. My last post was for Marin's first birthday party. That was in February. It now is almost May. I've missed blogging and hope to start back at a somewhat consistent pace. 

Marin is now 14 months old. She still only has two bottom teeth. She is walking all over the place. Ryan was off on vacation last week and we decided to head to the zoo with Grammy and Grandpa Stauffer and Cousin Gunnar. We really enjoyed it. We only had a little rain while at the elephant show. Marin loves animals so she hardly napped the whole day because she didn't want to miss a thing. 

Here are a billion pictures from our day at the Denver Zoo...

It was a really enjoyable outing. Marin only fussed on the way there and then was great the rest of the day. I like the zoo, that is until I start thinking about how depressing it is for all of the animals there, but I tried to not take my thoughts there. Our kid loves animals and she loved the zoo. 

This was a good test to see how she would do with an extended drive and a day spent in her stroller. She was a champ. I would love to go there again. We also stopped at Voodoo Donuts on the way home, because of course, you have to do that. You must do that. 

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