#RESTORE | The 35 Day Jazzercise Challenge

At the end of last year I stepped out of my comfort zone and signed up for Jazzercise. Most people think that is pretty funny but when I show them what a normal class looks like, like the video below, they then understand that I work my booty off in the process and have a lot of fun doing it. No, I don't wear leg warmers. I do try and wear funky patterned pants because that's just how I like to roll. I wanted to find something that challenged me and helped me feel strong. I wanted something that gave me freedom and a desire to get up and workout.

I have loved every single second of my journey so far in the world of Jazzercise. No, I haven't lost the 30lbs that I would love to get off of my frame. No, I'm not a lean twig. But, I feel STRONG. I feel EMPOWERED. I feel like I could take on anything that comes my way. My brain is clearer, my daily life is more determined. I am a better wife, mom, and employee. 

At the beginning of February, my Jazzercise place started a challenge: 30 classes in 35 days. At first I was thinking...." There's no way I can pull that off with my schedule." But, in a fit of craziness, I signed up. My name card hung on the board at class and I started with determination. It was hard, I won't lie about that. I woke up at 4:45am A LOT during this challenge because that was the only time I could make it to class with work and a toddler. In the beginning, I went through and figured out how often per week I would have to go to meet my mark. I needed to go to Jazzercise 6 days a week to make it in 35 days.


First day. Of course after the class when I am a sweaty mess.

This was today. The last day of the challenge. Wearing my awesome tank top.

This morning was my last class of the challenge and I proudly accepted the tank top. This tank top is more to me than a piece of clothing. It is a symbol of something that I conquered, something that I didn't think I could do. I truly have NEVER worked out this much in my entire life. 6 days a week for 1 hour a day. That's a lot. 

I could have eaten better and probably would have lost more weight but I lost 6 inches in 30 days. I feel more confident than I ever have before in my mom body. I still have my mom pouch but my clothes are fitting better. 

I have found a strength and passion that I didn't know that I had. The gals at Jazzercise are so encouraging and I love going there. If I am going to get up at the crack of dawn, it better be worth it. And it is! I am even toying with the idea of someday becoming an instructor. We shall see!

This is all part of my effort to RESTORE myself this year. My one little word. Never stop going after your goals. Never stop trying new things and seeking out new experiences. Never stop. You won't be sorry. I am not sorry. I am thankful that I kept going, that I kept moving. I'm not stopping now. 

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