Summer Bucket List

Now that we are back from our vacation and life has gone pretty much back to normal, I'm realizing that the summer is already half over. Once we hit July 4th, I'll blink and it will be Christmas. I want Marin to be able to experience all of the fun things that the outside world has to offer. It is good for us to get out and do fun things. We have a huge backyard that needs to be played in far more often. Some of these are for me, some these are for Marin.

Our Summer Bucket List

2. Buy some plants and try to not kill them.
3. Paint some walls.
4. Go to the Drive-In.
5. Evening walks to the park.
6. Farmer's Market Trip.
9. Create a nice outdoor space & use it.
10. Trip to Estes.
11. Draw with sidewalk chalk.
12. Go swimming. 
13. Have a picnic.
14. Eat outside on the back porch.
16. Make a 30 Things Before 30 List and work on completing this list. 
17. Complete a Whole30. 

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