Career Dreams.....

....are slowly showing themselves in the light of today. If I had my way, meaning not to work a nine-fiver at an office where I work on spreadsheets all day, I would do what I'm doing today.

Case and point.

In a few hours I am going to decorate for a wedding. I love decor. I love the thrill of all of the details swiftly coming together into something that speaks true to the people the details are for. This wedding is very organic and whimsical. So beautiful.

Shortly after that, I am putting on my shoes as the wedding photographer for the day. Not only do I get to put together all of the details of our friends big day, I get to capture the memories through photograph. My favorite.

Can this be my everyday? Pretty please. I think that would be purely wonderful. I would wake everyday with a new found passion for these things. All of those design blogs I pour over daily could finally be used towards something. All of the money spend pouring into these hobbies would finally be worth something.

When I work on the details and have a camera in my hand is when I am most happy. I think that amount of happiness sits even above playing music in my book. Music is a close second surely, but over the last few years, decor and design have been some of my secret loves. I dream of them in the late hours of the night or as I'm sitting in my office at work balancing monies and dealing with giving people vacations off.
Someday, I will do this full time. I'm determined. It makes me feel so alive.

So here's to an awesome day. Here's to Steve and Maggie spending the rest of their lives together and getting to enjoy their big day.

We love you guys.

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