Baby Sullivan | Week Three

Here we are at week three. I'm starting to go pretty stir crazy and really need to get out of the house. Due to my infection from my c-section, I haven't been cleared quite yet to drive. I've been homebound for far too long. My goal is to drive to pick up Marin from my parent's house tomorrow evening. It's time. I can't take this much longer! At least we have air conditioning now in our home. 

Sullivan is growing like a weed already. He went in for his 2 week check last week and was close to 10 pounds already. With the way he has been eating, it would not surprise me one bit if he is already at the 10 pound mark. He's still a great eater. He has been giving us longer stretches of sleep every once in a while at night and I am super thankful. 

Daddy has been back to work the past few days. I am very thankful for lots of visitors and grandparents that take Marin for the day every once in awhile. Just being able to focus on Sullivan for a little period of time helps me feel like I have my head above water. It makes having a newborn seem easy. Having a newborn and a toddler, totally different story! Marin has been a great helper for the most part but I know she's going stir crazy most days too. I'm not a fan of the amount of screen time we've had lately but I know this is just a season of transition. Fall is coming, preschool is coming. I will go back to work. This will all change soon. 

At three weeks, Sullivan is eating every three hours during the day. We've had longer stretches of sleep at night. He doesn't hate tummy time and is getting a lot more alert. He's already so strong and is starting to hold his head up. He's still in size one diapers and is wearing 3 month old onesies. 

Week Three. 

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