Swine Flu, Rain, Ross, and Paper Heart

Last night, Ryan and I went and saw Paper Heart. So cute. :) 

Yesterday also involved a shopping trip to one of my favorites, Ross. I can find more deals here than anywhere else most of the time. I picked up two new dresses that I can't wait to pair with some leggings, boots, scraves, and cardigans. I'm always stretching the "business casual" lines of my job. :) And I bought these for under 40 bucks. Score. 

On a crappier note, I currently sit at home, sick as a dog. Swine flu anyone?? I was feeling gross all weekend and went to work for an hour this morning. They sent me home the second they found out half of my family had the same thing. So now I'm here. And I really want some oatmeal. Brown sugar to be exact. But, we don't have any. So, I'm currently drinking as much tea as I can get my hands on, hoping that this sore throat will go away soon. 

But, it is raining, a lot. And we all know that I love this weather. Makes me think of Longview still and how all of those days weigh heavy on my heart. But, I will forever love the rain and all the things that it stirs within my soul. Too bad I'm sick and can't just go hang out at a coffeehouse all day and write, dream, plan. It's days like this when my entrepreneur soul comes raging out. I have some big dreams. 

I'm off to find some soup or something. Ugh. 

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